Key Information
Our Term Dates & Opening Times
Castle Wood Academy Opening Times
At Castle Wood Academy the school day begins at 8.40 am until 3.10 pm.
(This equates to 32.5 hours of learning a week as direct by the Government).
Our gates open at 8.30 am and close at 8.40 am every school day.
The registration period is from 8.40 am and officially close at 9.00 am. Pupils arriving after 8.40 am will be marked as a late arrival and any pupils arriving after 9.00 am will be marked as an unauthorised late.
Messages will be sent to parents via the Arbor app informing them of the late arrival.
The Government Regulations changed in September 2013 which meant that educational establishments could no longer authorise absence for holidays. However, you can request an absence for exceptional circumstances.
If you do need to make a request to take your child out of school during term time for exceptional circumstances, please visit the school office and collect the relevant form.
Please note: Tall Oaks Academy Trust retains powers to fine parents who take their child out of school without permission in conjunction with the Local Authority. Annual family holidays are NOT considered exceptional circumstances.